


What is integral ecology, how can it be oriented to the common good? 怎么能以信仰为基础 liberal arts institutions of higher education train their students to be attentive to both natural and human ecology so as to contemplate and develop effective solutions 关于生态和可持续性的问题? 由大急流城的十大赌博正规平台在线主办, Michigan, a liberal arts college in the Catholic, Dominican tradition, this conference will explore these questions from multiple perspectives, engaging the natural sciences, 哲学/神学,人文/艺术.

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标题: “Climate, Energy, Poverty and Population: Four Interwoven Challenges of Our Times”

文摘: Human civilization became finely adapted to the remarkably stable climate we have enjoyed since the dawn of civilization, making us highly susceptible to relatively 气候的微小变化. 在回顾了目前科学对 climate 改变 and the risks it poses to human society, I will focus on the relationships among energy, the economy and population, arguing that large increases in per capita energy consumption in developing nations are probably necessary for the alleviation 贫困和相关的人口增长. 我将以一种乐观的态度来结束我的演讲 about rapidly developing technological options for mitigating climate 改变.

生物: Dr. Kerry Emanuel is the Cecil and Ida Green emeritus professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was on the faculty from 1981 to 2022. 在此之前,他从1978年到1981年在加州大学洛杉矶分校任教.

Emanuel’s initial focus was on the dynamics of rain and snow banding in winter storms, but his interests gradually migrated to the meteorology of the tropics and to climate 改变. His specialty is hurricane physics and he was the first to investigate how long-term climate 改变 might affect hurricane activity, an issue that continues 今天占用他的时间. 他的兴趣还包括积云对流和先进的方法 对大气进行采样以辅助数值天气预报. 

Emanuel is the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers, three books, including Divine Wind: 的 History and Science of Hurricanes, published by Oxford University Press and aimed at a general audience, What We Know about Climate Change, published by the MIT Press and now entering its third edition. He was a co-founder and co-director of MIT’s Lorenz Center, a climate think tank devoted 到基本的,好奇心驱动的气候研究. 


玛丽·乔治。玛丽我. 乔治,Ph值.D.
St. 纽约皇后区约翰大学

标题: 奥古斯丁与十大赌博登录官网论整体生态学  

文摘: 积分 ecology consists in knowledge of the obligations that humans have to ensure the right ordering of creatures to God, both themselves and other non-rational creatures. This right order is the inherent or intrinsic common good of the universe. 上帝是 the absolute common good, to which the intrinsic common good is to be ordered.  积分 ecology thus concerns our obligations to ensure the intrinsic common good of the universe 把它交给上帝.  我在这里的目的是研究生物的正确排序 to God by considering the teachings of Augustine and Aquinas on the subject.  

生物: 玛丽我. 乔治拥有博士学位.D. 拉瓦尔大学哲学系博士(1987年) 一个M.A. 获得纽约皇后学院生物学硕士学位(2002).A. 教牧神学 从圣. 约瑟夫学院,缅因州(2008年). 此外,她还有两个学士学位, one in liberal arts from Thomas 十大赌博正规平台在线 (1979) and another in biology from 皇后学院(2000). 她是圣乔治大学的哲学教授. 约翰的大学, NY where she has taught for over thirty years, including courses on the philosophy of biology, philosophy of science and religion, bioethics, environmental ethics.  She has received several awards from the John Templeton foundation for her work in science and religion, in 2007 was co-recipient of a grant from the Center for 的ology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) for an interdisciplinary project entitled:  《十大赌博登录官网》 和外星人? (2005)和天主教对受造界的观点和管理:  What Catholics should know about Church teaching on the environment (2009) and has also authored a number of peer-reviewed articles on environmentalism.



标题: “难民信仰:前进之路”

文摘: Refugia is a biological term describing places of relative shelter where life endures in times of crisis, places where capacities rebuild and begin to renew. 以 refugia phenomenon as our model, we can respond faithfully to the climate crisis by finding and nurturing refugia in the earth, but also in our human cultural systems 我们的精神生活. 结合地球的智慧和钥匙宝藏 the Christian tradition can equip us to become healers, a “people of refugia.”

生物: 黛布拉Rienstra is professor of English at Calvin University, where she has taught since 1996, specializing in early British literature and creative writing. 她的学术 research focuses on early modern religious poetry, particularly that of George Herbert 玛丽·西德尼. Besides scholarly essays and chapters, she has published four trade books—on motherhood, spirituality, worship, ecotheology/climate 改变—as well 如无数散文和诗歌. 她最近的一本书是《十大赌博正规平台在线》 Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, the Healing of the Earth (Fortress 2022), a book that combines theology, nature writing, biological principles to consider how Christians 必须调整我们的信仰和实践以适应气候变化的地球吗. Rienstra也是 host of the Refugia Podcast and writes twice monthly for 的 Reformed Journal blog, writing about spirituality, pop culture, the church, the arts, higher ed, more. Rienstra holds a BA in English from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. 在文学 罗格斯大学的英语授课.



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